Saturday, November 15, 2008

Don Draper's Guide

On Saturday Night Live several weeks ago, with guest star Jon Hamm, the show ran a sketch, "Don Draper's Guide to Getting Women." Many of the steps, though, were applicable to those who are trying to "get clients."

Step 1: When in doubt remain absolutely silent.

True. Silence can be golden.

Step 2: When asked about your past, give vague open-ended answers.

Never say more than you need to about yourself or your company.

Step 3: Have a great name.

True for any business. Your name and presentation are pretty important.

Step 4: Look fantastic in a suit. Look fantastic in casual wear. Look fantastic in anything, Sound good. Smell good. Kiss good. Strut around with supreme confidence. Be uncannily successful at your job. Blow people away every time you say anything.

Besides the kiss good part, the rest is true.

...Be Don Draper.

Wouldn't hurt. If you are a fan of Mad Men, the character of Don Draper is the quintessential creative guy.